About this Website and its Creator

Hello, my name is Joshua Schank and welcome to my website! So a little about myself, on May 8, 2020, I received a B.S. in Meteorology and in January 2021, I started a new job as a meteorologist at the NWS office in Guam! I will try to keep my website update as I continue to grow as a meteorologist. Below is a quick history of my time at OU and how this website came into being.

During my sophomore year I joined the OU Weather friends, a group of students that dress up in weather theme costumes and teach kids weather safety at schools or other events. I was also the Deputy of Shifts for the Oklahoma Weather lab (OWL), a student-run forecasting organization, my junior year. At the end of my junior year I was selected to become the organization's Director of Development, and it was my duty to build and maintain OWL's website and lead its development team known as HOOT. I spent my entire summer before my senior year rebuilding OWL's website, but now it has evolved even further due to the efforts of the members who came after me.

Along with being involved in those two student organizations on campus I was also lucky enough to be a Student Ambassador, a student who helps the School of Meteorology meet with prospective students who come and vist, and help answer any questions they may have from the viewpoint of a fellow student. If you want to learn more about anything I mentioned above please visit their respective websites and search for the student organizations on Facebook and Twitter.

This entire website started with the Joshua Schank: Student of Meteorology Website, which was an assignment I had to do for a meteorology lab. I took that class during the fall semester of my sophomore year, and that is where I learned the basics on how to build websites. I built this website so I could view the data my weather station back home was recording while I was away at college, but now it even more important to me as I am now in Guam working for the National Weather Service.

If you have any questions or comments you can send emails to: joshua.l.schank@jschank.com

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Taken the day I finished the OWL website. July 24, 2019
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I graduated May 8, 2020
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